You searched for: “more primeval
primeval (adjective), more primeval, most primeval
1. A reference to having existed from the beginning; the earliest or original stage or condition: Jim and his family were able to visit what some considered the primeval forest which had been in the location for hundreds of years.

The cave drawings which were discovered by the scientists provided a glimpse into the primeval lifestyle of the early inhabitants of the area.
2. Pertaining to a primitive reaction or arising from instinct rather than from thought: Maggie had a primeval urge to strongly respond to her brother's criticism.

Descriptive of an original object or belonging to the earliest period of time.
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This entry is located in the following units: aevum, evum; etern-; aeternus (page 2) prim-, primi-, primo- (page 3)
Word Entries at Get Words: “more primeval
Belonging to the first or earliest age or ages; original or ancient in development. (1)